Friday 1 March 2013

Some of That Summer Sun

Everyday it seems to stay a little lighter for a little longer and on days when it's cold as hell but the sun beams in all its glory, I grow more and more exited for the summer sun!

I think that the last time that the UK had a great, hot and by hot I mean consistently hot summer, I had to have been maybe 5 years old! I am now 26. Ok this may be a slight exaggeration but in all honesty it’s probably not. It is no secret that the summer months in the UK are somewhat of a let-down, as old Blighty is famously known for her grey skies and rainy days so I suppose that every year she feels that she has to live up to her dull expectations, put on a show and lay a wet one on us just to keep face with the rest of the world. But this does not mean that that we should take this lying down and lose our enthusiasm for the summertime fun in the sun.
As much as I am a lover of all seasons, with each season there comes a point when you start to crave the next season and right now I am craving summer, because I am past ready to stop wear my faux fur lined parker and Uggs, yes Uggs I own a pair of those things, they may not be pretty but they are warm as hell so again, yes I own a pair of Uggs.

I like to start my day with enthusiasm and the best way for that to happen naturally is if I wake up to daylight shining through my window as apposed to streetlights, I love to be able to sit outside a bar on a weekend or an weekday evening with friends and have a laugh, I love the fact that even the most miserable suckers have a smile on their face when the weather is good and as random as this may be I think that music even sounds better in the sunshine,  but more than anything and you can call me ‘Shallow Hal’ all you want, I LOVE the fact that I can wear really pretty outfits!
Here's to hoping that we have a great summer and if not… there’s always easy Jet and a beach somewhere in the European shores with my name written in the sand.
Image sourced from Google

Adios amigos. xx

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